Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ventricular reconstruction, ineffective

The unsuccessfulness of ventricular reconstruction shows that the new heart procedure cannot improve symptoms in heart failure patients. 

Ventricular reconstruction is a technique in which surgeons expel the damaged tissue of the heart outside the left ventricle - the chamber responsible for pumping blood to the body - by sewing healthy parts together. 

The technique was designed based on the belief that isolating the damaged part of the left ventricle can improve exercise capacity and dissolve symptoms following heart attack. 

While many surgeons were hopeful to reduce the mortality and hospitalizations rate following the use of this left ventricular volume reduction surgery, a new study reported the technique to be ineffective. 

According to the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the combination of surgical ventricular reconstruction and standard coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) does not improve the outcome of patients suffering from heart attack. 

Ventricular reconstruction did not reduce the death rate or the readmission risk. It also did not improve the quality of life in patients. 

Scientists therefore do not recommend the use of surgical ventricular reconstruction along with CABG.


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