Monday, April 20, 2009

Homeopathy helps cancer treatment

Certain homeopathic medication alleviate the side effects of cancer treatments without interfering with their action, a new study shows. Homeopathy, an alternative medical system, is based on the belief that "like cures like", indicating that substances that create certain symptoms can also treat them when used in a highly diluted form. Many patients particularly those suffering from incurable diseases are now more attracted to homeopathy and other alternative treatments; many healthcare professionals are therefore worried that replacing conventional treatments with these new remedies would become troublesome. According to the report recently released by the Cochrane Collaboration, homeopathic treatments can help lessen the mal-effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy commonly reported in cancer patients. Calendula from marigolds can prevent acute dermatitis in breast cancer patients more effectively than the more conventional treatment, trolamine. Traummel S - a mixture of belladonna, arnica, St. John's wort and Echinacea -- has shown promising results in treating stomatisis, painful mouth sores, when used as a mouthwash. Homeopathic treatments are also considered helpful in tackling menopausal symptoms secondary to cancer treatment; more studies are however needed to confirm the results. Scientists have concluded that these alternative treatments can be used along with traditional cancer remedies with the aim of achieving better results.


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