Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stressed out moms have asthmatic kids

Experiencing stress during pregnancy places the newborn at an increased risk of developing asthma later on in life, a new study finds. According to the study presented at the meeting of the American Thoracic Society, anxious moms are 60 percent more likely to give birth to babies suffering from allergies and asthma. About 16 percent of asthmatic children were reported to have mothers who were distressed about money, relationships and other problems during pregnancy. Maternal stress stimulates the release of certain hormones which can negatively influence the fetal development particularly that of its immune system. These babies are also reported to have higher levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE), even when their mothers had low exposure to dust mites during pregnancy. The Children of the 90s team also claimed that eating more fish oil during pregnancy improves the newborns visual development.


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