Monday, April 13, 2009

Parkinson's drugs up compulsive behaviors

Taking therapeutic doses of certain Parkinson's medications can place the patients at a higher risk of developing unhealthy behaviors. Dopamine agonists such as pramipexole and ropinirole are a class of drugs commonly prescribed in Parkinson's sufferers. They act through stimulating brain limbic circuits, fundamental substrates for emotional, reward and self-indulgent behaviors. According to a study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, therapeutic doses of these medications are linked to new-onset, destructive behaviors in the consumers. The behaviors, however, were reported to resolve after the medications were discontinued or the doses were reduced. Very low doses such as those used to treat restless legs syndrome were not associated with much risk in the users. Compulsive gambling and hypersexuality are the main behaviors commonly reported after taking the drugs. The use of the drugs is also linked to compulsive eating and excessive shopping. Researchers therefore urge physicians to apprise patients and their caregivers about the possible side effects of the dopamine agonists before prescribing them.


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