Thursday, April 9, 2009

Melanoma leading cancer in UK

British officials have warned that melanoma, the deadliest form of skin malignancy, has become the leading type of cancer in the UK. According to the report recently released by Cancer Research United Kingdom, the deadly skin cancer will become the fourth most common cancer for men and women of all ages by 2024. Based on the report, skin malignancies have overtaken cervical cancer and become the country's top cancer in young women. The high incidence of skin cancer in women in their 20s has alarmed authorities, as the condition generally occurs in individuals over the age of 75. Cancer experts believe the increasing popularity of tanning salons and sunbeds is responsible for the surge in the number of skin cancer cases in younger individuals. They concluded that taking proper precautions when going out in the sun, avoiding tanning beds and sun over-exposure can cut the risk of skin cancer.


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