Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cancer risk lower in MS patients

While the risk of certain malignancies is higher among multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, they are less likely to suffer from cancer. 

According to a study published in Neurology, the overall risk of cancer in MS patients is 10 percent lower than their healthy counterparts and the results are more pronounced in women. 

These patients are 44 percent more prone to developing brain tumors and urinary cancers such as bladder tumors. 

Higher susceptibility to various types of cancer is not reported among the parents whose children suffer from the disabling condition. 

Lifestyle changes and treatment regimens help lower the risk of cancer in these patients. The lower body mass index (BMI) of MS patients may also explain the lower incidence of cancer among them. 

Brain inflammation commonly reported in these individuals contributes to their higher vulnerability to brain tumors. However, the frequency of neurological investigations in MS suffers greatly helps the early detection of these tumors.


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