Monday, April 6, 2009

Vegetarian diet ups binge-eating

While being a vegetarian lowers the risk of obesity and heart disease in young adults, it places them at an increased risk of binge eating. 

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, young vegetarians who follow a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables are more likely to suffer from an eating disorder such as binge eating compared to their meat-eating counterparts. 

Former and current vegetarians are also reported to be at increased risk of adopting unhealthy weight control behaviors such as taking diet pills, vomiting, using laxatives and diuretics. 

Scientists believe adopting a vegetarian diet in many teenagers is to conceal the underlying decision to lose weight and restrict food intake. They however urge parents not to dissuade their children if they choose to be vegans. 

Parents are also urged to help their teens lay out a healthy meal plan and discover the real reason behind their desire to become vegetarians.


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